Rider Spotlight: Denielle Noel

Denielle Noel - The Creative Nomad

Denielle has been riding an EUC for about one year, but her PEV journey started in 2018 with the Segway miniPRO. Like other riders, she quickly reached the limits of what the Segway could do and started looking for something with more speed. That’s when she got her beloved InMotion V10.

While this rider’s origin story starts off with a familiar tone, Denielle’s preferred spots are a bit less common: As a passionate writer and filmmaker, inspired by poets before her, Denielle has a penchant for trekking into nature with her wheel.

In my time riding I've been able to take in stunning vistas and find remote locations to write so without an EUC, experiencing the above would have been more staggered over several months rather than a routine occurrence.”

Beyond the serenity of nature, Denielle likes these destinations for the chance to push her EUC to the limits. While satisfying her need for speed, a fast, aggressive riding style and a wheel with a praise-worthy top speed of 25 mph isn’t for everyone. Denielle points out the steep learning curve some riders describe as a major factor when shopping for your first EUC. She nonetheless remains optimistic about the place EUCs have in a future with a myriad of micromobility options.

“Once these barriers to entry are overcome I could see EUCs becoming as ubiquitous as scooters and bikes.”

When she’s not carving up trails or commuting around London, Denielle makes films ranging from music videos to documentaries, and of course, videos about PEVs. Check out her brand-new beginner's guide to electric unicycles below, and be sure to head to her channel to check out her other amazing videos!

Denielle’s Ride

Favorite EUC: Inmotion V10
Most-Wanted Feature Request: “No more wheel cut offs. It'd be great if the speed automatically decreased upon reaching the max rather than the wheel shut off. Either that or a Hovding inspired airbag.”

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