Rider Spotlight: Meet Rama with LA EUC Games
Ever wonder what a world with competitive EUC sports would look like? You’ll be able to get your glimpse of the future just a few weeks from now. The LA EUC Games, one of the first of its kind in North America, will put the most talented electric unicycle riders to the test with a series of varied events designed to showcase rider’s agility and balancing skills.
The day will be filled with competitive (and fun!) events including a Grand Prix Race, Freestyle, Sumo rink-style elimination game, Balance skill course, Limbo (yes, it’s what you’re imagining), and even Musical Chairs. The event organizers, Rama and Zulema Douglas have lined up 40 electric unicycle competitors from across the USA (and even some overseas) for the LA EUC Games, and spectators are encouraged to come out and enjoy the show as well.
As one of the official sponsors of the event, a few of us here at EUCO including myself, will be there with some wheels and some goodies. We hope to see you there!
LA EUC Games
Oct 26, 2019
Encino Velodrome
17301 Oxnard St Los Angeles, CA 91316
NOTE: this is a private venue, and electric unicycles will not be allowed on site prior to October 26th, so local riders, please respect their privacy and don't try to show up to "run the track."
More About Rama
Rama has been riding electric unicycles for about 1.5 years now, and he’s quickly rolled it into his daily life as a commuting tool to his job in downtown Los Angeles, CA.
The Onewheel originally had Rama’s eye, but after watching enough videos online he decided a EUC would be a better fit, and today you’ll find him mostly cruising around on his King Song 18XL.
“EUC has completely changed my life. It is an addiction for sure as it feels like flying, or antigravity. What a special sensation it is to be gliding through the streets on an electric unicycle. It is a passion and I’m extremely grateful to be able to put on the LA EUC Games event with such wonderful support from the community and from our sponsors. Looking forward to the future of our niche sport!”

Rama’s Favorite Place To Ride
“The Mt. Baldy descent is among my favorite places to ride because it is a beautiful mountain road sometimes closed to car traffic and lots of fun downhill carving for many miles. Also, I enjoy the vast expanse of river trails that network throughout the LA area. Sepulveda Dam area is also super fun with a massive transition to session on...”
The Future of Electric Unicycles
“I see a slow ramp up of people becoming introduced to EUC. It's growing and hopefully with events such as LA EUC Games and the necessary funding, we can help to grow it in a responsible and safe way. Would love to advocate for the benefits of using EUC over cars for short trips/longer commutes to cut down on emissions, and to introduce people to the joys of floating around on our beloved devices.”
Biggest EUC Feature Request
“US development, with better app control, a safety feature (perhaps hardware feature that kicks in to keep a wheel upright in the case of a cutout), suspension, and of course better battery tech which gives us lighter weight and longer range capabilities.”