Rider Spotlight: Mickey Micklos, NYC

Ever wonder what it’d be like to make it in NYC with your EUC as your main ride?

There are many different flavors of EUC riders out there in the mix. Some of us are out there cruising and exploring like a free spirit, and others are on the sporting side pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on an electric unicycle. Riders in big cities know all too well that you need your skill and confidence level set to max if you want to hit the streets, and New York City is no exception. While drivers and pedestrians alike are generally more aware of their surroundings in this town, there can definitely be a competitive and somewhat aggressive nature when riding alongside other vehicles.

“Here, you have to ride to win.”

No question EUCs are the most efficient and consequently exhilarating way to move about any city. The picture I always paint is, you can ride to work, put the wheel at your desk, ride to lunch, ride back, ride to a bar for an afterwork drink ( I dont condone drinking and riding lol) and then commute home. All while spending no money and exhausting zero emissions. In the future I definitely think we will see an explosion of popularity in this sport/niche. And maybe we’ll save the planet while we’re at it. Right now certain citties across the globe are “cracking down” but that’s only because it’s new. Eventually governments will relax and it’ll become such a normal thing. But the underground NYC EUC racing will always be where you’ll find me. ;) 
— Mickey

Evolution Towards Electric Unicycles

When I was a kid I always wanted a Segway. Then many years later, I noticed ninebot had the mini pro... then that became waaaay too slow. So I eventually discovered electric unicycles and the rest is history. But all of this came out of the need to commute to my office which isn’t easily accesible by subway. Plus the MTA in NYC has gone downhill lol, so now I cheat the system.

Life Outside Of EUCs

Mickey’s other big passion in life outside of riding electric unicycles the past few years is color-grading TV commercials and films, and he’s thankful to be able to do it as his day job. But he also says he finds himself “sinking into a Neo-Tokyo EUC-street-rat lifestyle sometimes” - and we can definitely relate to that! You can find Mickey’s post production work currently on Amazon Prime and in various TV commercials.

Mickey’s Stable

Favorite EUC: King Song 16X, but may be dethroned by the Nikola+

Current Daily Driver: KS-16X

The Whole Gang: KS-18XL, KS-16X, Gotway Nikola+

Most-Wanted Feature Request: “We need a redundant control board and battery. So if you overdraw power, it trips the backup control board and small battery. This would effectively give you enough computing power to slow you down to a stop. This would prevent cut out in most over-draw situations.”

Favorite Place To Ride: “Man, flying down Broadway at 30+ mph is my favorite place to ride.”

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